Práctica de Vocabulario

Pick the right book. Study the right words.

As a Spanish student who loves to read, I consistently run into two problems:

  1. I pick books that are way too hard for my current level
  2. I don't know which words to make flashcards for and end up drowning in words I'll never use again

I built Práctica de Vocabulario (PdV) to help with both of these issues.

How to Use

  1. Pick a book or upload your own epub
  2. Answer some questions about your reading level and studying expectations
  3. Choose the words you want to memorize before you read - or - decide that this book isn't for you
  4. Download a deck of Anki flashcards to study
  5. Study
  6. Read!

How it Works

  1. You pick a book from the Gutenberg library or upload your own epub
  2. PdV fetches and parses the text to find the dictionary form of every word
  3. PdV figures out
  4. PdV fetches the definitions of all the words
  5. PdV creates a dashboard for you including:
    • A table of all words and their definitions
    • A graph of the word frequencies by Cervantes level
  6. You decide if the book is right for your level
  7. You decide which words and definitions you want to study before reading
  8. PdV creates a deck of Anki flashcards for you to study

© Nathan D Walker. All rights reserved.